site has a nice collection of Halloween book reviews. But, there are too many books about pumpkins! I HATE books about pumpkins. Now, I like pumpkins on their own, in pies, in breads, and even in ice cream, but not in books. I find books that center around a pumpkin patch, or worse yet, have talking pumpkins, or even worse, a precocious little boy or girl that
grows pumpkins, absolutely, dreadfully boring.
Fortunately there is an abundance of Halloween books without pumpkin characters or pumpkin plots. The multitude of books with costume drama, terrified trick or treaters, and of course, monster-get-togethers that can be found makes up for the cursed pumpkin books.
Monster Librarian, has a nice
list of scary books for kids under 12. No pumpkins to be found there, thankfully
Wow - I never thought that sentient pumpkins could illicit so much distress ;-)
hah! I did not realize I hated them as much as I did until I started writing that post
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