Monday, July 23, 2007

My First Halloween Book by Colleen L. Reece

The 13 Words!: Jack Prelutsky she certainly isn't. But, overall, an enjoyable stab at Holiday poetry.

The Creature from the Back Cover!: Back cover is blank !

The Facts that Attacked Mars!: My First Halloween Book is a collection of Halloween poems with accompanying illustrations, published in 1984 by Childrens Press. The author, Colleen L. Reece seems to also be a Christian romance author.

The Monster Speaks!: Cute poems, nothing scary. The illustrations are all of chubby cheeked children (plus witches and a few adults), that kind of remind me of Huggabunch dolls.

What Lurks Between These Covers?

The Marvels!:

Nice to find a history without any trace of condemnation

The Horror!:

Squirrels??? What the hell?

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